Vision - Mission

Love Missionary Garden

Retreat and Retirement Homes for Christian Missionary Worldwide


For those who give their lives to the calling of Lord Jesus Christ, leave their jobs, their families,
their homes, their cities and their countries to the various mission fields to do God’s kingdom
works and faithfully server God’s Will and God’s plans.

To build “Love Missionary Garden” is one of the missions of Lilies of Valley Evangelical
Organization, the LOVE organization

“Lilies of Valley Concert” will sing out the dream of building “Love Missionary Garden”, to ignite
the fire of love and care among Christian Churches to pay attention and to give support to those
dedicated missionaries worldwide. These missionaries are heroes of the faith, these missionaries
follow God’s call without hesitation and without specific churches’ direct help, support and attention,
they do God’s kingdom work without notice and recognition, they often face bigger challenges and
are attacked and prosecuted by the evil forces. Like the early apostles, they left everything behind
and follow the calling of God to wherever the mission leads. These missionaries and their families
deserve the churches’ love, care and encouragement for their uncompromising faith and steadfast
action and obedience to God, they deserve to have free homes for short time retreats on the mission
roads and free homes for retirement, free medical and health care and other provisions.

Lilies of Valley Evangelical Organization is a newly established non-profit organization. As the
President of the Organization, I, Ling Ling Shi, am calling Christian churches to participate in our
missions by either opening your church’s door to let “Lilies of Valley Concert” to give testimony
and share the visions to your church’s congregation or joining our fundraising music events-
“Lilies of Valley Concert” in public music halls/theaters and other activities. LOVE organization
is planning to build a first “Love Missionary Garden” in California. The “Love Missionary Garden”
will include different size apartments/homes for missionary short-term retreat and long-term
retirement, inside the garden Medical and Health Care clinic/mini hospital, missionary traveling
coordination service etc. My vision of the “Love Missionary Garden” will be planted worldwide
by local churches’ participation and unity.

Dear Pastors and brothers and sisters in the Lord, let us welcome traveling, tired, wounded, sick and
retired missionaries home, let the “Water and Manna” be available for all missionaries who come
home, the home built by the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ for His faithful servants worldwide.

Our Lord Jesus said to us: My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”

Amazing Love, Amazing Grace

Music Lyric and Singing by: Ling Ling Shi

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